
No Man's Sky How To Find Exotic Ships

Exotic Class.png


  • 1 Summary
  • 2 Description
  • 3 Inventory
  • 4 Exotic Types
  • 5 Catalogues
  • half-dozen Royal
    • vi.1 Boosted data
  • seven Ball Cockpit: Guppy
  • eight Ball Cockpit: Mosquito
  • 9 Squid/Calamari
  • ten Missing/Undocumented Location
  • 11 Exotic Variations
    • Wings
    • 11.2 Boosters and bottom fins
    • 11.iii Height Fin
    • 11.four Tail


The following is a list of various Exotic-Archetype starships discovered past dissimilar players during the Frontiers through electric current eras.

(For a listing of all send types, refer to the Starship Catalogue)


All exotic ships are role of the Southward-class and will have top tier bonus values in all 3 categories. Their values range between 35-l% DMG, 55-threescore% Shield and 50-65% Hyperdrive range. Since the toll is multiplied by slotsize and the exotic ships normally lack in that regard, their price range is a fair 10M-15M units. This makes them deadly specialists if one is lucky enough to observe i.

While at that place are only two distinct types of exotic ships based on their cockpit, the community has come to differentiate visual classes with varying names. All of these classifications stalk from the ship's olfactory organ instead or its additional ornaments. While there seems to exist no real consensus how to proper noun them, there is a broad basis in each group.


The inventory for Exotic ships are all in the small-scale range of 15-20 (update to 25). Their tech limit is 4-vi slots.

Exotic Types

All exotic ships are part of 1 of ii designs, either the squid or the ball (see below). Due to the equal chance of spawning an exotic and with only 1 per system, the many variations of the ball blueprint seem to take caused the squid variant to exist rather rare. With several special ornaments for the ball design, resulting in the Type-vii variant of either exotic type, the adventure to discover a squid type exotic is reduced even more.

Annotation: In some groups, the ship with tall upper fin also counts as its own "Tall" type.


The tables below are alphabetically sorted by milky way, region, and ship name. If a ship lacks coordinates, enter them if possible. Ships that cannot exist establish and bought just serve a celebrated purpose.


Majestic Type-7

The Royal exotic ship is one of three ball cockpit ships and is known for its prominent double olfactory organ. This ship design is presumable more common in Vy'keen systems.

It is bachelor in limited colours of blueish, ruby, orange, yellow and white/grey. Ships with aureate or silver ornaments and the famous impress of 7 on their top fin are also referred to as the elite Type-seven. When seen on a Royal they are known equally Royal Type-7.

Additional data

The front end fuselage of the Royal (information technology's long athwart olfactory organ and ventral mounted lance) bears a resemblance to Spike Spiegel's Swordfish II from the iconic anime Cowboy Bebop.

Galaxy Region Coordinates Transport Exotic Slots TechSlots
Eissentam Omskio Instability 042F:0078:0D54:000D The Omen of Devastation Regal fifteen-20 4-6
Eissentam Orweiwe Cluster 0570:007E:0188:000C Airborne Campaigner EJ7 Purple twenty vi
Euclid Cagonia Shallows 043D:0072:0D45:0002 End of the Hanna Imperial 15 4
Euclid Cetrocho Spur 0430:0077:0D54:01E1 Mother of the Irado Majestic 15-twenty four-6
Euclid Dahiloci Conflux 042E:0079:0D56:015D The Birth of the Ether Imperial fifteen-xx 4-6
Euclid Dekalb Instability 0716:008B:01F6:011D Vivid Nascence RU6 Royal 18 five
Euclid Ifexiwpe Cluster 02F5:0081:0CE1:0099 Visionary Aimin Three Regal 17 5
Euclid Imbouwem Boundary 09F0:003E:0089:01BE The Departure of Providence Purple 16 4
Euclid Kikaza Conflux 069F:0086:0910:0012 Aminag'southward Clear-cut Avenger Royal 19 6
Euclid Reroutorm Void 04D0:0082:0DD9:004E Kogawat's Champion Purple eighteen 5
Euclid Rexejto Anomaly 043E:0072:0D44:0054 Obihira LU9 Royal eighteen 5
Euclid The Arm of the Olcayanov 019B:0082:0AD0:005C Nonji's Hand Regal 15 iv
Jasinessa Nodpers Void 0806:0080:0803:0088 Yurihamu of the Moon Royal xv 4

Ball Cockpit: Guppy


The Guppy is 1 of iii ball cockpit ships and its main characteristic is the lack of any nose.

While in that location are many variations of the Guppy, some more than others have gathered a following among No Man's Sky players due to the elongated rear and other parts making it more closely resemble a fish. It doesn't affair which one. It is available in limited colours of blue, red, orange, yellow and white/grey. Emphasis colours are either gold or silver.

Milky way Region Coordinates Transport Exotic Slots TechSlots
Calypso The Arm of Taticale 0430:0078:0D55:0073 JN2 Iomiya Guppy 15-twenty iv-six
Eissentam Anolamga Spur 0430:0078:0D55:01E3 The Hawk of the Moon Guppy fifteen-20 2-4
Eissentam Ologowe Fringe 042E:0078:0D54:01B8 The Claws of Gravity (Winter of Eis) Guppy 15-20 4-6
Eissentam Omskio Instability 042F:0078:0D54:0012 Anvil of the Nowadano Guppy 15-20 4-half-dozen
Eissentam Omskio Instability 042F:0078:0D54:011C Furayama XC9 Guppy fifteen-20 4-six
Eissentam Omskio Instability 042F:0078:0D54:006F Hiwaz ME4 Guppy 15-20 4-6
Eissentam Omskio Instability 042F:0078:0D54:00CE Hoshuna'south Burning Reckoner Guppy 15-20 four-6
Eissentam Omskio Instability 042F:0078:0D54:0099 Masug ZY6 Guppy fifteen-20 four-half dozen
Eissentam Omskio Instability 042F:0078:0D54:0002 NX9 Riyame Guppy xv-20 4-half dozen
Eissentam Omskio Instability 042F:0078:0D54:0064 Oyabe's Regret Guppy xv-20 iv-6
Eissentam Omskio Instability 042F:0078:0D54:0043 The Hand of the Korvax Guppy 15-20 4-6
Eissentam Omskio Instability 042F:0078:0D54:0092 The Slumber of Perfection Guppy 15-20 4-half dozen
Eissentam Omskio Instability 042F:0078:0D54:00D2 The Talon of Inevitability Guppy fifteen-twenty 4-six
Eissentam Omskio Instability 042F:0078:0D54:0058 Todawa YT4 Guppy 15-xx four-half-dozen
Eissentam Orweiwe Cluster 0570:007E:0188:00E0 The Prophecy of the Abyss Guppy 17 five
Eissentam Yeiada Sector 042F:0079:0D54:00FB Visionary Owl FP3 Guppy 15-20 4-6
Euclid Admedo Spur 0D06:0079:0CAE:01D5 Adachi's Vivid Victory Guppy 15-20 4-half-dozen
Euclid Bickso 04EE:0082:0A35:013A Towering Foe IV2 Guppy eighteen five
Euclid Canthian 042F:0078:0D54:0110 The Forge of Destruction Guppy 15-20 4-6
Euclid Cezyinsbur Cloud 03D9:0078:0D67:009D Joetsu of Flying Guppy 19-25 6-7
Euclid Hyecho Boundary 0492:0082:0A6B:005E The Triumph of the Wind Guppy 20 half-dozen
Euclid Nulodes 0706:0089:0158:0065 The Mirror of the Abyss Guppy twenty vi
Euclid Peduindg Shallows 0948:0088:0ED2:00BE TE8 Ekinoham Guppy 20 6
Euclid Savenix Instability 042F:0079:0D55:0107 Hakogawa's Victory Guppy 15-20 four-half-dozen
Euclid The Arm of Spribe 02EE:007C:08C8:0047 Misumi of Melody Guppy 18 5
Euclid Tuveana Cluster 0143:0082:09E1:0063 Mirror of the Bayama Guppy 16 iv
Euclid Xejtolst Conflux 078E:0082:0866:0018 Airborne Nahamura XI Guppy 19 6
Euclid Yihelli Quadrant 043D:0072:0D44:0118 Taakiks Blazing Pathfinder guppy nineteen 6

Ball Cockpit: Mosquito


Small needle olfactory organ

A Musquito has the brawl cockpit of the Guppy, but its main defining characteristic is a simple, minor, needle-shaped nose.

Similar the Guppy, it is available in limited colours of blue, red, orange, xanthous and white/greyness. Accent colours are either gold or silver.

Galaxy Region Coordinates Ship Exotic Slots TechSlots
Eissentam Omskio Instability 042F:0078:0D54:0033 Isshin's Prospect US2 Mosquito fifteen-xx iv-6
Eissentam Orweiwe Cluster 0570:007E:0188:0026 The Talon of Air Mosquito xviii 5
Eissentam Ziemer Anomaly 0805:0079:0801:01A5 Paporo's Mortiferous Star-Sailor Mosquito 15-25 4-seven
Euclid Admedo Spur 0D06:0079:0CAE:0193 Kuyama XQ7 Mosquito 16 iv
Euclid Dalivesye 071D:008B:027A:00DB The Defeat of Souls Mosquito 17 5
Euclid Gaohti Cloud 047D:0082:0A76:00F0 Towering Ikikaho 3 Musquito 18 5
Euclid Isquineg Quadrant 015A:0087:069E:0032 Defeat of the Angot Mosquito sixteen 4
Euclid Kehnuph 0A16:0016:0016:0136 Reckless Pride XG8 Mosquito 15-20 iv-6
Euclid Locaic Band 0D06:0079:0CAF:002B Mizawach's Gamble Mosquito 15-18 4-five
Euclid Nagpano Cluster 0A34:007A:0E48:005E Mitab of Madness Mosquito 17 5
Euclid Noniijial Shallows 0706:0089:0157:01FA Aichima AO8 Mosquito 20 six
Euclid Pobestern Nebula Busuk's Favourite Volition Musquito 16 4
Euclid Tugende Void 0705:0089:0165:01AB Crystal Hammer CE8 Mosquito 19 6
Euclid Yayaram Ring 0746:0082:089E:0170 Iigash Auditor XV Mosquito 17 5
Euclid Zaanhe Void 0727:008C:0341:01CF The Shield of Devastation Mosquito eighteen 5
Hilbert Dimension Louyen 0802:0086:0805:00A8 Ekinamis Inquirer XII Mosquito 17 five
Zosakasiro Amonclo Adjunct 0806:0080:0803:00B1 The Spear of Freedom (Helmarki) Mosquito 17 5



Unlike the many variations of the brawl cockpit, the squid only comes with its signature tentacle nose and a wide assortment of colours and some shades. Despite this lack of customization, in regard to the many additions to the ball cockpit, this has get a rather rare pattern. Getting one in a desired color makes this all the more than valuable. The tentacles are telescopic, and fold when landed. To better run into the accent colour on tip of the tentacles, it'southward best to view the ship during flight.

Milky way Region Coordinates Ship Exotic Slots TechSlots
Eissentam Nijhwal Boundary 042F:0077:0D54:00B2 Timeless Tebaya X Squid 15-xx iv-six
Eissentam Omskio Instability 042F:0078:0D54:0001 Final Stop EI4 Squid 15-20 4-vi
Eissentam Omskio Instability 042F:0078:0D54:0111 Konawara of Infinity Squid 15-xx iv-vi
Euclid Nugsdor Adjunct 0430:0078:0D56:022D Raging Utsus XVIII Squid fifteen-20 iv-vi
Euclid The Arm of Kamycohe Uuraya of Truth Squid 18 five

Missing/Undocumented Location

Exotic Variations

Exotic ships of ball cockpit blazon take several other features in addition to the iii main types of no olfactory organ (guppy), modest nose (musquito) and large olfactory organ (royal).


The brawl cockpit ships come with no wings or two wings. A combination of two wings and a large superlative fin is ofttimes called a tri-wing. The underside of the wings covered in solar panels can be seen while the ship is landed and it's wings stand up up in an angle. During flight the wings fold under the ship resembling a keel. At that place are mods to alter the position of the wings during flying, and even to animate them to flap similar wings of a bird.

Boosters and bottom fins

The ships with no wings have big, thick boosters or bottom fins with solar panels on both sides. The boosters open in ii halves when used and during hyperdrive. The bottom fins open up their lids when the send is landed, to charge their solar panels (no existent outcome in game).

Pinnacle Fin

On meridian of the brawl cockpit there'due south either no fin, minor fin or a large fin. Big fin resembles a wing in size and shape. The fin has decorations in either gold or argent, including circles, hexagons/honeycomb, double chevrons, acanthus ornament, and a small-scale geometric film plate with number 7 and peradventure a rising sun. The fin also has an underlined number 7 painted in red, which might arrive difficult to run across in carmine ships.


Brawl cockpit type exotics may accept a large tail to completely encase information technology'due south thruster, a narrow hood above the thruster, or no tail at all. The large tail opens upwardly like a bird beak during flight.

Ships accept two types of thrusters, big and modest and they come in single or double sets. The big blazon of thruster is roughly thrice equally long every bit the small-scale one, and has a decorative ring in the accent colour of the ship, either gold or silvery. The minor thrusters are always black.


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