how to find a stronghold in minecraft
Biomes | Any Overworld biome except for Rivers and Swamps[ until JE ane.19] |
Consists of |
Can generate in existing chunks | No |
A stronghold is a structure that occurs naturally underground in the Overworld, and is the only place where a role player can notice an end portal. Strongholds can be located by using an centre of ender .
- 1 Generation
- Bedrock Edition
- one.two Coffee Edition
- two Construction
- 2.1 Rooms
- ii.two Libraries
- 2.three Blocks
- 3 Boodle
- Altars
- three.2 Storerooms
- 3.3 Libraries
- four Advancements
- v Video
- 6 History
- 7 Problems
- viii Trivia
- 9 Gallery
- 9.1 Overview
- 9.2 Rooms
- ix.3 Odd generation
- 9.4 Other
- 10 External links
- 11 References
Generation [ ]

The cease portal room.
Strongholds mostly generate cloak-and-dagger and prefer to generate in biomes in a higher place sea level only generate underwater if necessary. Strongholds may generate at boulder level, cutting the bedrock.
Most parts of the stronghold can be overwritten by caves, mineshafts, fossils or dungeons; only it is rare for the end portal to be replaced, which would force a player to find ane of the other strongholds, as a portal tin be activated only with all 12 frame blocks present. Canyons do non overwrite strongholds.
Bedrock Edition [ ]
In Boulder Edition, strongholds generate randomly throughout the globe. They normally generate under a village. Different most structures they appear to take no fixed set up distance, which means that rarely they may overlap. A stronghold may generate in the body of water. If information technology has to, a stronghold could generate perfectly fine above ground, in caves, and in canyons. At that place appears to be an space amount of strongholds, even capable of generating in the Far Lands. Because Bedrock Edition appears to begin stronghold generation at a spiraling staircase, information technology is rare to find no portal room in the stronghold.
Java Edition [ ]

Stronghold layout through the globe in Java Edition.
In Java Edition, all strongholds are located at random coordinates inside rings in all biomes, where each ring is a certain radius from the centre of the earth (Ten=0, Z=0). The strongholds are generated at roughly equal angles from the middle point of the earth (for example, each stronghold in a ring of 3 is in the region of 120 degrees from the others, measured from the origin). The game does not generate a stronghold partially above-ground, any portion above the sea level is replaced with air, leaving a cutaway. If a stronghold generates in an body of water, which occurs rarely, information technology typically generates with a floating portal room.
There are 8 rings, containing 128 strongholds in total:
- The first band has 3 strongholds within 1,280-2,816 blocks of the origin.
- The 2nd ring has 6 strongholds within iv,352-5,888 blocks of the origin.
- The 3rd ring has 10 strongholds within vii,424-viii,960 blocks of the origin.
- The quaternary band has fifteen strongholds within 10,496-12,032 blocks of the origin.
- The fifth ring has 21 strongholds within xiii,568-fifteen,104 blocks of the origin.
- The sixth ring has 28 strongholds within sixteen,640-eighteen,176 blocks of the origin.
- The seventh ring has 36 strongholds within 19,712-21,248 blocks of the origin.
- The eighth and outermost ring has 9 strongholds within 22,784-24,320 blocks of the origin.
Construction [ ]
Strongholds vary in size. They contain several doors and rooms made mostly of stone bricks (45%), mossy rock bricks (xxx%), croaky stone bricks (twenty%) and infested stone bricks (5%). Infested cracked stone bricks and infested mossy stone bricks practice not generate, unless silverfish enter these blocks.[1] Strongholds are lit past enough torches to provide visibility in most areas, though not enough to suppress mob spawns. Stairs that generate within these structures include stone brick and asphalt stairs, but non their mossy variants.[2]
In generated chest corridors and storerooms, dispersed chests containing a variety of loot tin be found.
Rooms [ ]
Strongholds characteristic various types of chief rooms. Each room has an entrance, which is either a plain 3×three opening, a wall with a wooden door, a wall with an atomic number 26 door (with buttons), or a 3×3 opening with a gate of atomic number 26 bars along the top and sides. Rooms may accept exits to other room pieces or dead-finish "exits" into stone. Additional "passages" betwixt rooms may exist if their generation overlaps or if the stronghold intersects a cavern, mineshaft, or other structure. Sometimes, doors can be sealed off by stone bricks, resulting in "secret doors", usually occurring with 5-style crossings.[3]
Stronghold generation begins with a spiral staircase room with a v-way crossing at the bottom, with additional rooms being randomly generated from the exits of previous rooms upward to a maximum distance of fifty rooms and 112 blocks horizontally. If a portal room is not generated, the generation is redone.
- End portal room: Contains an end portal and a silverfish spawner. In that location are two pools of 3 lava sources in the forepart sides of the room and a bigger lava puddle of 9 below the end portal, and 16 windows of ii atomic number 26 bars in the room, with the entrance, always existence a gate. In most cases, this room cannot be overwritten by other structures generated around it. Only 1 per stronghold, and information technology is never within 5 rooms of the starting staircase. Each portal frame has a ten% chance to generate containing an eye; the average number of portal frames found prefilled is 1.2. The run a risk of the portal existence completely pre-filled is ane in a trillion (1:1,000,000,000,000 or 10-12).
- In Coffee Edition, all seeds for 1.16 that have a pre-activated end portal in the first ring have been found.[4]
- In Bedrock Edition, information technology is intended that some strongholds practice not generate with finish portal rooms.[v]
- Libraries (see below). 0–ii libraries per stronghold, and never within iv rooms of the starting staircase.
- Large rooms: A room with three exits (4 counting the archway). The center of the room may have diverse decorations. 0–6 rooms per stronghold.
- Empty rooms: Has no decoration.
- Rock Colonnade rooms Has a rock brick pillar with torches on it.
- Fountain rooms: Comprise a fountain in the center, which consists of a stone brick ring and pillar with a water source block on top of the pillar.
- Storerooms: Dual-level rooms, each 2 blocks high, with a asphalt center construction joining the 2. A lone torch is housed within the structure. A ladder runs up the sidewall for access to the 2d floor, which is a bedchamber made of oak wood planks containing a chest.
- Five-way crossing: Has up to 5 exits (six counting the entrance): one across from the archway downwardly a short stairway made of smooth rock slabs and stone brick blocks, 1 each to the left and right of the entrance, i on the left side of the upper level reached by a short stairway made of shine stone slabs and rock brick blocks, and one on the correct side of the upper level across a bridge of smooth stone slabs and double smooth rock slabs over the downward stair. A single torch is on the side of the span. In Bedrock Edition, it commonly has i–4 entrances sealed.[ citation needed ] There is always ane crossing in every stronghold every bit role of the starting point, while an extra 0-4 crossings may also generate.
- Empty prison cells: A corridor with one wall partially made of iron bars and with two iron doors (in an "open" position, with no buttons). Beyond each atomic number 26 door are cells with an iron bar wall between them. An get out is opposite the entrance. 0–5 rooms per stronghold. In Bedrock Edition, no fe doors are generated.
- Spiral staircase: A 3×3 spiral stair made of stone bricks and rock brick slabs, leading down, with an get out at the bottom. Like 5-way crossings, there is always ane flight per stronghold every bit part of the starting point, while an additional 0–5 flights may as well generate.
- Straight staircase: A 3 block broad staircase of cobblestone stairs leading downwardly, with an leave at the bottom of the stairs. In that location is also an empty alcove under the stairs. 0–5 flights per stronghold.
- Corridor: A bare corridor with upwardly to 3 exits: ane straight ahead, and optional exits to the left and right.
- Chest corridor: A corridor with a small altar made of stone brick slabs, with a breast on the altar. An exit is on the contrary side of the entrance. 0–four corridors per stronghold.
- Corridor turn: A bare corridor with one exit, left or right. May resemble a modest room if both the archway and the next room's entrance have oak doors.
- Dead-stop corridor: A blank corridor with no exits, although it is probable to intersect other rooms. This room type never has a door or gate at the entrance.
Libraries [ ]

A library within a stronghold.
Libraries occur in two sizes: modest single-level libraries and larger duplex libraries. All libraries contain bookshelves, oak planks, and one (single level) or ii (duplex) chests, with cobwebs dispersed randomly.
Small-scale libraries usually generate when the second level of the library is blocked by another office of the stronghold. If there are no obstructions, then large libraries commonly generate.
Large libraries contain a second level consisting of a surrounding balcony with oak fences as railings, and fences & torches arranged like a chandelier over the center of the room. The ii levels are continued by a ladder on the wall furthest from the archway. No cobwebs generate here.
Blocks [ ]
Block |
Stone Bricks |
Cracked Rock Bricks |
Mossy Stone Bricks |
Infested Stone Bricks (both generated naturally and if silverfish enters stone bricks) |
Infested Mossy Rock Bricks (if silverfish enters mossy stone bricks) |
Infested Croaky Stone Bricks (if silverfish enters croaky stone bricks) |
Infested Stone (if silverfish enters regular stone [ BE merely ]) |
Infested Asphalt (if silverfish enters asphalt) |
Water |
Silverfish Spawner |
Atomic number 26 Bars |
Lava |
End Portal Frame |
End Portal Block |
Torch |
Oak Fence |
Breast |
Stone Brick Slab |
Cobblestone |
Stone Brick Stairs |
Oak Planks |
Ladder |
Smoothen Rock Slab |
Stone Push button [ JE only ] |
Iron Door [ JE only ] |
Oak Door |
Asphalt Stairs |
Bookshelf |
Cobweb |
Loot [ ]
Altars [ ]
In Java Edition, each stronghold chantry chest contains ii–3 item stacks, with the following distribution:
In Bedrock Edition, each stronghold altar chest contains 2–3 item stacks, with the following distribution:
- ↑ a b The size of stacks (or for unstackable items, number) of this detail on whatever given roll.
- ↑ a b The weight of this item relative to other items in the pool.
- ↑ a b The odds of finding any of this item in a single chest.
- ↑ a b The number of items expected per chest, averaged over a large number of chests.
- ↑ a b The average number of chests the thespian should expect to search to find whatever of this item.
- ↑ a b Enchantment probabilities are the same every bit a level-30 enchantment on an enchantment tabular array that was able to apply treasure enchantments (except Soul Speed, and Swift Sneak), and where the chance of multiple enchantments is not reduced.
Storerooms [ ]
In Java Edition, each stronghold storeroom breast contains 1–4 item stacks, with the following distribution:
In Bedrock Edition, each stronghold storeroom chest contains 1–4 item stacks, with the post-obit distribution:
- ↑ a b The size of stacks (or for unstackable items, number) of this item on any given whorl.
- ↑ a b The weight of this item relative to other items in the pool.
- ↑ a b The odds of finding whatsoever of this item in a single chest.
- ↑ a b The number of items expected per chest, averaged over a large number of chests.
- ↑ a b The average number of chests the histrion should expect to search to find any of this item.
- ↑ a b Enchantment probabilities are the aforementioned equally a level-30 enchantment on an enchantment table that was able to utilise treasure enchantments (except Soul Speed, and Swift Sneak), and where the adventure of multiple enchantments is not reduced.
Libraries [ ]
In Java Edition, each stronghold library chest contains 2–x item stacks, with the following distribution:
Detail | Stack Size [A] | Weight [B] | Run a risk [C] | Avg. per chest [D] | Avg. # chests to search [E] |
Newspaper | 2–vii | xx⁄52 | 89.2% | 10.385 | 1.i |
Book | 1–three | 20⁄52 | 89.two% | 4.615 | one.1 |
Enchanted Volume [F] | 1 | 10⁄52 | 67.8% | one.154 | 1.5 |
Compass | 1 | ane⁄52 | 10.9% | 0.115 | 9.2 |
Empty Map | 1 | ane⁄52 | 10.9% | 0.115 | 9.2 |
In Boulder Edition, each stronghold library breast contains 2–10 item stacks, with the post-obit distribution:
Particular | Stack Size [A] | Weight [B] | Chance [C] | Avg. per chest [D] | Avg. # chests to search [E] |
Paper | 2–7 | 100⁄270 | 88.3% | ten.000 | i.i |
Book | ane–3 | 100⁄270 | 88.3% | four.444 | 1.1 |
Enchanted Volume [F] | one | sixty⁄270 | 72.nine% | 1.333 | one.4 |
Compass | i | 5⁄270 | 10.5% | 0.111 | 9.v |
Map [Yard] | one | 5⁄270 | 10.5% | 0.111 | 9.5 |
- ↑ a b The size of stacks (or for unstackable items, number) of this item on any given roll.
- ↑ a b The weight of this item relative to other items in the pool.
- ↑ a b The odds of finding any of this particular in a single breast.
- ↑ a b The number of items expected per chest, averaged over a large number of chests.
- ↑ a b The average number of chests the histrion should await to search to detect whatever of this detail.
- ↑ a b Enchantment probabilities are the same equally a level-30 enchantment on an enchantment table that was able to employ treasure enchantments (except Soul Speed, and Swift Sneak), and where the run a risk of multiple enchantments is not reduced.
- ↑ Named unknown map, simply changed to map 0, the scale level is ane:four, Maps from the same stack are stackable, simply maps that are not stacked are unstackable despite looking identical.
Advancements [ ]
Icon | Advancement | In-game description | Parent | Actual requirements (if dissimilar) | Resource location |
![]() | Center Spy | Follow an Ender Middle | We Demand to Get Deeper | Enter a stronghold. | story/follow_ender_eye |
Video [ ]
- Note: This video is outdated, as 128 strongholds now generate per world as of Coffee Edition 1.9.
History [ ]
Java Edition Beta | |||||
July 01, 2011 | Jens Bergensten shares an image of mysterious ruins which resemble a stronghold. Unlike the implemented strongholds, a large part of these ruins are above-ground. | ||||
i.8 | Pre-release | Added strongholds every bit part of the Adventure Update. A unmarried i generates per world. They are vacant except for regular mobs that spawn nether normal weather condition. | |||
Strongholds have chests in libraries and in storerooms. | |||||
Pre-release 2 ;) | Increased stronghold count to three per world instead of one. | ||||
Java Edition | |||||
1.0.0 | Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3 | The end portal room was added to the stronghold. The portal frames can be filled in using eyes of ender, simply does not activate. | |||
A pair of glass towers indicated the location of a stronghold'due south kickoff (aka main entrance) and second for the portal room on meridian of them, extending from the peak of the map to the stone bricks. This was a debug feature which Jeb forgot to remove.[6] | |||||
Strongholds at present likewise accept chests in corridor altars. | |||||
Beta i.9 Prerelease four | Removed glass towers generating above strongholds. | ||||
The finish portal is now functional. | |||||
Eyes of ender now properly bespeak to strongholds. | |||||
1.4.ii | 12w40a | Strongholds tin can now generate in the air in Superflat worlds with certain customization presets. | |||
i.nine | 15w43a | Increased stronghold count to 128 per globe, rather than 3. | |||
Library chests now have 2–10 stacks of items, rather than 1–4 stacks | |||||
Enchanted books found in library chests is now weighted to 10 rather than 2, and in single books rather than in groups of 1–5. | |||||
16w06a | Stronghold placement formula changed. | ||||
pre3 | Ender eyes can now point to the 125 new strongholds. | ||||
ane.17 | 21w07a | Strongholds can no longer generate floating and without walls, floors, or ceilings when within caves.[seven] | |||
Strongholds are no longer exposed in oceans. Instead, they get covered by the seabed.[8] | |||||
21w08a | Strongholds one time again generate floating and without walls, floors, or ceilings when inside caves.[9] | ||||
i.18 | 21w37a | Strongholds no longer generate due to a bug.[ten] | |||
21w38a | Strongholds generate one time once more. | ||||
Pocket Edition Alpha | |||||
v0.nine.0 | May half dozen, 2014 | Jeb posts on Instagram a photograph of one section of a stronghold. | |||
May 8, 2014 | Jeb posts another paradigm of a stronghold, this fourth dimension inside the end portal room. | ||||
build i | Added strongholds. | ||||
The terminate portal block frame exists, only the player cannot travel to the End. | |||||
v0.9.two | Strongholds are now more common. | ||||
v0.12.0 | Equally of the release of the Windows 10 Edition, the enchanted book can exist found in stronghold library chest. It is not known when this was added for other so-Pocket Edition platforms. | ||||
v0.15.0 | build 1 | Maps can be institute in stronghold library chests. | |||
Pocket Edition | |||||
one.0.0 | alpha 0.17.0.i | Strongholds at present generate in new chunks. | |||
Strongholds tin can now be institute using eyes of ender. | |||||
Chests now generate in Stronghold storeroom. | |||||
Ender pearls at present generate in altar breast. | |||||
Bedrock Edition | |||||
ane.nine.0 | ? | Cobblestone stairs in strongholds are replaced with rock stairs. | |||
1.10.0 | beta one.10.0.three | Most strongholds no longer generate under village wells; they now generate nether village coming together points. | |||
Reduced chance of strongholds generating under villages. | |||||
beta ane.10.0.4 | Rock stairs in strongholds are changed back to asphalt stairs. | ||||
1.xviii.0 | beta one.18.0.22 | Strongholds are no longer able to generate mid-air in large caves. | |||
Legacy Console Edition | |||||
TU5 | CU1 | 1.0 | Patch 1 | Added strongholds. | |
New Nintendo 3DS Edition | |||||
0.1.0 | Added strongholds. |
The first image of a stronghold that Jeb posted.
The first prototype of a stronghold that Notch posted.
Bug [ ]
Issues relating to "Stronghold" are maintained on the problems tracker. Report problems there.
Trivia [ ]
- There are exactly 233 bookshelves in a large library, yielding 699 books if mined without Silk Touch, which is x stacks plus 59 left over.
- Although strongholds do not generate to a higher place ground, they tin can be exposed through above-ground dungeons or canyons.
- Sometimes, they tin can also be exposed underwater if they generate in terrain that is close to an ocean, or exposed by an underwater canyon.
- When generating in a buffet world, many rooms lack the outer wall layer, causing the stronghold to appear fragmented, with the exception of the portal room.
Gallery [ ]
Overview [ ]
The side view of an uncovered stronghold.
Overhead view of an uncovered stronghold.
Top view of an uncovered stronghold.
A stronghold generated on Superflat using Customization GUI in 12w40a/b.
An clandestine view of the top of a stronghold.
An end portal room generated partially above sea level, noted by the windows.
An underwater end portal room with no other rooms.
An underground view of the bottom of a stronghold.
An atomic number 26 door in stronghold.
Many stone bricks in stronghold with an fe door on it.
Ravine with multiple ores, water and lava falls, and stronghold span over it.
Desert pyramid, mineshaft and stronghold generated together.
Rooms [ ]
A stronghold with a fountain.
A stone colonnade generated in a large room.
A large library.
A minor library.
A breast in a stronghold chamber.
A floating torch in a pillar room, from a rendering glitch.
A floating torch in a library.
Finished terminate portal.
A ladder in stronghold library, which gives a player acces to a 2d flooring.
Odd generation [ ]
A zombie dungeon. Though not technically part of the stronghold, dungeons tin can generate in strongholds.
A dungeon intersecting a stronghold.
Coulee cutting through a stronghold.
A stronghold intersecting with a mineshaft.
A floating library generated in a canyon over a lava lake.
Another stronghold cutting by a canyon.
A mineshaft generated inside a stronghold library.
A stronghold and a mineshaft intersection.
A dungeon, stronghold and a mineshaft in one area.
A stronghold and a cavern system. This causes the doors to float.
A dungeon generated in a library.
An terminate portal room intersected past a mineshaft.
A stronghold library above a cavern.
A stronghold exposed underwater.
A stronghold intersecting the spawner corridor in a mineshaft.
Stronghold with merely iii rooms.
Another small stronghold.
A small stronghold with a pocket-sized library, a breast corridor and a portal room.
End portal room in stronghold with two possible means to make it. Check the image for seed and coordinates.
This chest minecart is trapped inside a mossy stone block, due to a stronghold and a mineshaft that generated partially overlapping.
Ii store rooms that intersecting with mineshaft.
Stronghold library generated in ravine, making it bladder.
An Amethyst Geode intersecting with a Stronghold.
This portal is already activated upon world generation.
Other [ ]
Four silverfish chasing the player in a stronghold.
Mushrooms growing in a cell made of atomic number 26 bars.
A breast containing 3 items: an apple, fe pickaxe, and iron boots.
A staircase leading to bedrock.
A glitch where the ladders of a stronghold tin appear floating.
Stronghold libraries tin sometimes be set up on burn down by naturally-occurring lava.
Chest loot in a library containing books and newspaper.
External links [ ]
- Heart of Ender throw plotting tool
- Another Stronghold Locator
- A stronghold and hamlet finder for one.7
- Python implementation to observe strongholds
- (Yet another, but working) Minecraft stronghold locator
- Still some other stronghold finder
- Wikipedia commodity on Stronghold
References [ ]
- ↑ MC-140209
- ↑ MC-140117 – resolved as "Works as Intended"
- ↑
- ↑
- ↑ MCPE-19426
- ↑ "Ah LOL! I forgot to remove the debug pillars from the strongholds. Oh well, it's not astringent enough for another update" – @jeb_ on Twitter, October 6, 2011
- ↑ MC-214814 – "Strongholds generate floating and without walls, floors, or ceilings when within caves" – resolved as "Fixed"
- ↑ MC-216191 Resolved as "Works Every bit Intended"
- ↑ MC-216881 – Strongholds spawn shattered over again
- ↑ MC-236618 – Strongholds don't generate in 21w37a
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